Communication. We all do it, and it’s a key element at the heart of any business, regardless of its size. But is communication something we take for granted? Bad habits can easily slip in under the radar and before you know it, you have a culture of discontent and confusion.
The digital age has certainly taken its toll on how we communicate in the workplace. Long-gone are the days of walking over to a colleague to discuss something with them. The easy – and most common option today – is to just fire off a quick email or text message. Sounds simple, doesn’t it. However, the issue with electronic communication is that you’re reliant on the mood or mindset of the recipient as to the tone your message is read.
Experts in language and communication believe that up to 93% of our communication is non-verbal, so by removing the face-to-face interaction, a simple email along the lines of “can we have a meeting please” could unintentionally send someone into a tailspin of despair and worry. Asking the same question in a face-to-face situation, the other person will hear the intonation of your voice and see your body language. And never under-estimate the importance of eye contact when communicating.
Bants or Bullying?
Have you ever listened to a group of people and cringed at some of their banter? It can be a very fine line between what’s considered banter and where the line is crossed to bullying or harassment. Again, respect for others and acknowledging that we all communicate differently is crucial.
An innocuous comment to your ears could be greatly offensive, or even intimidating, to someone else, causing distress in the workplace. Nobody wants to end up in an employment tribunal situation.
Good Communication = Motivated Staff
An organisation that communicates well with its staff will generally have a happy team of employees. Leading by example from the top down, creating a positive communication culture within the different levels of management and leadership shows that the business trusts its staff. Poor communication will soon create a demotivated workforce, which can be costly in terms of continually needing to recruit. Demoralised staff can be very hard to win over so why not make more of an effort so that the situation doesn’t occur?
Good Communication = Loyal Customers
A business can’t function without its customers, so how you communicate with them can play a critical part in your sales figures. How often do you communicate with your customers? Are you open and honest with them on those rare occasions when something goes wrong? They’ll soon tire of you if the only time they hear from you is when you have something new to sell to them!
Two Ears, One Mouth
It may come as a surprise to some, but communication is best when it’s a two-way street. Communication doesn’t mean talking AT someone. Successful, effective communicators ask questions – and most importantly, they listen.
Imagine you’re interviewing a candidate for a role within your company, and you’re so wrapped up in your world telling them about the company, the role, the people …. that you forget to actually ask them about themselves. Yes, we’ve actually witnessed this scenario which is why we now offer an interview coaching service for managers who may not be experienced when it comes to finding the right fit for the team. We’ll share our many years’ experience and recruitment knowledge with you so that when it comes to interview day, you use your time effectively – asking the right questions and listening for the right answers.
Let’s End With 5 Top Tips
Good communication is a great habit to embrace.
· Listen and show empathy
· Never under-estimate body language, eye-contact and intonation of voice
· Get everyone involved – team building exercises and socials can break down those invisible communication barriers
· Remember that everyone has different levels of tolerance and sense of humour
· Once the damage is done it can be like climbing Everest in flip-flops to win back the trust and respect you’ve lost by not communicating properly
If we can help you in any way when it comes to communicating with your candidates please don’t hesitate to get in touch!